About Mannahouse Kids


Mannahouse Kids is more than your average children’s ministry Sunday School. It is church JUST. FOR. KIDS. In every classroom, we are purposeful with our time as we lead the next generation into the presence of God. Using kid-friendly activities, we strive to support parents as they raise their children to love Jesus, love the church, and love His Word. The Dream Team is prepared to care for your little ones in a safe and secure environment, share God’s love with them, and inspire them to live big lives for Jesus every day.


We are thrilled you would trust us with your children and are prepared to care for them well and tell them about Jesus Christ. Please let us know that you are new so that we can make you and your children as comfortable as possible.

  • We recommend arriving 10 minutes before the service begins to the Mannahouse Kids Check-in Desk.
  • Our Dream Team will assist you with your first time checking into our system. Your children will be welcomed and confidentially registered with specific identification that only you and they will share.
  • For your children’s comfort and safety, we will need to gather some important information from you. Filling out a simple form will help us get to know your family and allow you to inform us of any allergies and/or health concerns, custody issues, disabilities, or unique concerns.
  • We will familiarize you with our paging system so that you will know at any time if your children need you. We are also happy to show you age-specific rooms and discuss our policies and procedures at any time.
  • Your child’s security and care with us is our utmost concern. We look forward to seeing you at Mannahouse Kids!


Grow in christ

Jesus made it a point to show how much He loved and cared for children. At Mannahouse Kids, we seek to follow Jesus’ example, and we strive to help kids grow in their relationship with Him. From those who are meeting Jesus for the first time to those who are further along in their journey, we work to create environments where children are always learning more about the heart of God. Sincere worship, creative and impacting storytelling and lessons, and times of prayer are all designed around growing stronger and stronger in each young season of life.

Love church

We love church and our hope is that our kids will too! We work hard to make Mannahouse Kids a highlight in your child’s week. Through fun services, caring leaders and life impacting lessons, we work to create an environment that’s safe, encouraging, Christ-centered and exciting! No matter the diverse and different structures our children come from, we want them to love coming to their church family and encourage a lifetime of love for God’s house.

Make friends

Whether they are bouncing in the car or still trying to wake up, your kids may be nervously wondering if they’ll have friends at church. In the meantime, our children’s ministry team is already at your campus setting out crayons, grabbing stickers and stuffed animals, and preparing to welcome every kid who may need extra comfort at check-in. In every service, each child will experience large group and small group activities that are designed to encourage friendships with children of similar age and interests.

Know Jesus.
Make Friends.
Have Fun.
Be Safe.

Our Future

We believe that children are a gift from God, and we are investing in them accordingly!


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