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Register for Freedom Weekend
Registracion Encuentro Freedom
Order your Freedom book
During our Spring and Fall 12-week Small Groups semesters, we have groups that gather weekly to discuss a curriculum called Freedom. This curriculum is specifically designed to equip you to live out the victorious and abundant life Christ came to give you.
Freedom Groups not only help build on the foundation of your faith in Christ, they also help you learn to embrace the truth of God’s Word as it relates to your worldview, your past, your personal value to God, and your purpose in His Kingdom.
In these groups, you will learn how to remove obstacles in your life in order to experience transformation, intimacy with God, and the ability to walk in true freedom.
Search the online directory to the right to find a Freedom Group that works with your schedule, contact the leader, and get ready for a life-changing semester!
At the end of the 12-week Small Groups semesters, there is a Freedom Weekend event that every Freedom Group member is encouraged to attend.
Packed with worship, lessons, and time of prayer, the Freedom Weekend is a great way to solidify everything you’ve learned throughout the Freedom curriculum. It offers next steps to overcoming your past, transforming your life, and laying a foundation for walking in daily freedom.
The Freedom Weekend is designed for those who are currently attending a Freedom Small Group with a Mannahouse campus or anyone who has participated in a Freedom Group in the past.
If you are not in a Freedom Group, please contact your campus pastor for more information.
Friday, November 17
6:00 PM | Registration |
6:30 PM | Doors Open |
7:00 PM | Session |
10:00 PM | Dismiss for Evening |
Saturday, November 18
8:30 AM | Breakfast On-Site |
8:30 AM | Doors Open |
9:00 AM | Session |
11:45 PM | Lunch On-Site |
12:30 PM | Session |
2:30 PM | Dismiss |
We need people just like you to help us make Freedom Weekend happen. From hospitality to intercessors; hosts to AVL and worship, everyone can be a part of helping people encounter true freedom in Christ. If you would be interested in helping, please let us know today!
Childcare is not provided. It is our hope that we create a distraction-free environment for you, and we will not be prepared to accommodate children or infants.
You can come just as you are, but you are welcome to bring a Bible, a notebook, and a pen. You may want to bring a water bottle and a light jacket or sweater if you get cold easily.
The attire is casual. You may want to bring a sweater or light jacket if you get cold easily.
To ensure your seat at the Freedom Weekend, you will want to pre-register.
You can contact for all registration-related questions.
If you are in need of financial assistance to attend the conference, scholarships are available on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the team at to request a scholarship application.
9200 NE Fremont Street, Portland, Oregon 97220
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