Dream Team

Una de las realidades que nos vuelan la cabeza sobre la experiencia humana es que Dios te creó para conocerlo y disfrutarlo.

That’s not a passive invitation, but one that Jesus gave His life for and one that is filled with endless potential. God created you, and when He did, He did so with purpose. He has a plan for you. You have gifts, talents, skills, and passions that are all God-given and designed to bring glory to Him. So, whether it’s serving people experiencing homelessness in our city or teaching 5-year-olds in Mannahouse Kids, you can discover the fulfillment of making a difference when you become a part of the Dream Team.Joining the Dream Team is simple — complete Punto de Partida, become a Member, and click the link below to learn how to start serving!

He completado Punto de Partida, ahora quiero estar en el Dream Team de mi campus:


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tue13augAll Dayvie16High School Camp(All Day)

mon19augAll Daythu22Middle School Camp(All Day)