Kids Camp 2025

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day camp

3 Days of
Incredible Fun
& Life-Changing Chapels!

Dates: Mon, June 23 to
Wed, June 25

Time: 9AM–3PM
*Transportation available from campuses

For: Grades 1st–3rd

Cost: $195
Includes: t-shirt, lunch, snacks, 3 chapel services, archery, swimming pool, bus transportation, and fun activities.

*Kids must be registered by May 5 to receive a camp t-shirt.

Location: Camp Kuratli
24751 OR-224
Boring, OR 97009

overnight camp

The Best 4 Days
& 3 Nights of
Your Kids’ Summer!

Dates: Mon, June 23 to
Thurs, June 26

Time: Todo el Día

For: Grades 4th–5th

Cost: $360
Includes: breakfast, lunch, dinner, cabin, t-shirt, snacks, 3 chapel services, archery, swimming pool, bus transportation, and fun activities.

*Kids must be registered by May 5 to receive a camp t-shirt.

Location: Camp Kuratli
24751 OR-224
Boring, OR 97009

Eugene camp

4 Days of
Incredible Fun
& Life-Changing Chapels!


Dates: Mon, June 23 to
Thurs, June 26

Time: 9AM–12PM

For: Grades 1st–5th

Cost: $39
Includes: t-shirt, snacks, and crafts & activities.

*Kids must be registered by May 5 to receive a camp t-shirt.

Location: Campus Eugene
89780 N Game Farm Rd, Eugene, OR 97408

learn more about kids camp!

Attendance at camp is based on the grade that the student is entering in the Fall.

  • Day Camp: Entering 1st grade in the Fall
  • Overnight Camp: Entering  4th grade in the Fall
  • Day Camp is a 3-day outdoor camp from 8:00 am – 3:30 pm. It focuses on your child’s encounter with Christ. Your child will experience faith-filled fun, chapel services, lasting relationships, group games, and amazing activities including pool time and more!
  • Overnight Camp is a 4-day, 3-night, cabin experience and focuses on your child’s encounter with Christ. Our prayer is that kids will encounter God’s presence, grow in his word, and make lasting friendships! At Kids Camp your child can experience chapel/ worship services, devotional and reflection time, and fun activities to build relationships with their peers. 
  • Students entering the 6th grade in the fall may attend Kids Overnight Camp. This is the parents’ decision.
  • We also have an amazing Camp for our Middle school students. Ask your youth pastor for more details.  
  • June 23rd – 26th, 2025 at 
  • Camp Kuratli 24751 OR-224, Boring, OR 97009

  • Day Camp: $195
    Includes t-shirt, lunch, snacks, chapel services, swimming pool, transportation, and fun
  • Overnight: $360
    Also includes breakfast, dinner, and lodging.
  • Eugene: $39

    A $50 deposit is required to secure a spot for your Day Camper Student and/or Overnight Camper. Full payment is required 2 weeks before Camp.

Yes! Scholarships are limited and available on a need basis for those who request financial assistance. Scholarship requests are integrated with the camp registration, simply select the option “Yes” when asked if you need financial assistance to come to camp! 

We are grateful for the generous people who give money to send kids to camp. If you would like to sponsor a student or need sponsorship, please check back. Information will be available for you here soon.

Please check back: Sponsorship link coming soon!

Please check back: Registration opening soon!

The confirmation email that you will receive from Brushfire contains a link to view Full Order Details and edit your attendee information. It also has a button to make payments on an outstanding balance.

Payments (after the initial registration deposit of $50) can also be made via cash or check. Checks should be made out to “Mannahouse Church” with Kids Camp 2025 in the note field including the camper’s first and last name. Cash or checks may be given directly to your Kids Pastors. Please do not turn into the offering unless it is Campship Sunday. Thank you!

Worship, chapel services, snacks, meals, devotional time with team members, swimming, crafts, field games, archery activities, bounce houses, and much more!


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