ACCELERATE 2023 | Leadership Intensives

MONDAY, APR 17, 2023 7:00 PM – WEDNESDAY, APR 19, 2023 5:00 PM PDT


At Mannahouse, we’ve taken over 70 years of expertise in building and strengthening leaders and distilled the best parts into a three-day intensive format. Whether you are called to serve in ministry, lead a small business, or pastor a local church, we’ll help guide you as you go further and faster on your leadership journey.

This year, we are excited and honored to host Dave Patterson from The Father’s House in Vacaville, CA, and Jonathan Wilkins from City Life Church in San Francisco, CA, as our guest speakers. With combined ministry and leadership experience of over 50 years, each speaker brings a unique leadership focus and a powerful message of encouragement and motivation to all leaders.

All sessions are in-person and will not be available online.


April 17 | 7:00 – 9:00 PM
April 18 | 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
April 19 | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Choice of One Intensive per Registrant

The cost for each 12-session in-person intensive is $125, including lunch on April 18 & 19 and a free downloadable notebook for your intensive. Various speakers will lead each intensive and general session.

Registrants may choose one of the following intensives:

  • We Are: A Ministry Model for Local Church  NEW
  • Developing A Prophetic Culture  NEW
  • Introduction to Discipleship Pathway  NEW
  • Eschatology | What the Future Holds  NEW
  • Biblical Guide to Cultural Tensions  NEW
  • Youth Ministry  NEW
  • Introduction to Church Planting
  • Understanding Missions
  • Introduction to Prayer Ministry
  • Worship Ministry


For those who prefer a printed notebook, a limited supply will be available at the check-in table. To reserve your copy, please select the option to pre-order your intensive notebook when registering (pre-order deadline, Mar 20, 2023). Printed notebooks will be distributed at the check-in table on April 17.  No refunds will be given for unclaimed pre-ordered notebooks.


ACCELERATE attendees can add one PBC credit to their choice of intensives for just $75. Credit will be given to those who attend all sessions and successfully complete a three-page class reflection essay within two weeks of the intensive.


April 19 | 12:15 – 1:45
Open Lead Pastors. Dave Patterson will share from his years of experience and participate in the discussion on leading churches well. This roundtable is limited to 35 lead pastors.

* Not eligible for discount.


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