We acknowledge that the topic of racial justice can create a sense of curiosity, confusion, discomfort, pain and grief.

Whatever your journey might be, we want to walk alongside you. If you are looking for conversation, resources, prayer or support, please reach out- we want to connect with you. You are not alone!

Over time we’ve witnessed and felt the brokenness and pain of sin and it’s destructive force in distorting God’s vision of humanity through racism, racial injustice, bias, and inequality in the world. As a local church community, we have turned to the Word of God to guide us in what we believe, how we can care, and how we should take action. As we move forward our goal is to ultimately reflect God’s vision for “one new humanity.”(Ephesians 2:14-18)


What do we believe about racial injustice and inequality?

Creemos God’s words supersedes man’s opinion and works as a compass to reflect God’s vision of one new humanity and withstand the sin of racism, racial injustice and inequality in the world.

The Mannahouse Eldership and Diversity Team have worked together to examine what the Bible says regarding racial justice and created the document below.

Our commitment is to be a church family who withstands the sin of racism, racial injustice and inequality as well as actively models Biblical justice

Our Prayer: Lord, renew our minds according to your Word so that our beliefs align with yours.


How do we care for those who have been wounded by racism?

We care for and value every person as an image bearer of God. We are grieved when people are hurt by racial prejudice and inequality.

We would love to hear your story and walk with you on your journey.


The Mannahouse Eldership and Diversity Teams have worked to reinforce our beliefs about racial justice in our local church values, ensuring they represent a Biblical perspective on racial justice, reconciliation and unity.

Our commitment: We are committed to bridge building, standing against racial prejudice, injustice and inequality, seeking reconciliation and unity, and demonstrating our faith with compassion and empathy to all.

Our Prayer: Lord, align our hearts with your heart so that we value what You value.


How we should act towards becoming a healthy multi-racial church family who stands against racial injustice and inequality as well as champion reconciliation and unity?

We are dedicated to move beyond mere words and be a people who act.

Our commitment is to move beyond words and work towards action.

Our Prayer: Lord, please direct our steps of action to champion racial justice, reconciliation and unity.

We are developing goals and initiatives around the following:

  • Mannahouse Leadership: Inclusion Training for staff + ministry leaders & coaches + pipeline building
  • Pastoral Care: Strategic prayer, support and groups around racial justice; trauma and healing; reconciliation building,
  • Communications: Diverse voices/content that authentically reflect our multicultural community
  • Partnerships: Network with organizations supporting communities of color
  • Education: Course materials, diverse speakers and content, pipeline building, webinars.



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